
  • 500g de lemons 
  • 500ml alcohol to make liqueur
  • 775ml still water
  • 400g de sugar

( 1,2 litre of Limoncello)


  1. Clean and zest the lemons with a vegetable peer. So there is no white pith on the peel, it is too bitter
  2. Fill a glass bottle with the alcohol and the lemon zest.
  3. Seal each bottle with a cork and let it sit for 21 days in a cool dark place.
  4. After that, combine the sugar and the water in a saucepan over medium-low heat. 
  5. Let boil for 15 minuts without stir it, to get the sugar syrup.
  6. Remove from heat and let the syrup cool completly.
  7. Strain the liqueur through a mesh strainer (coffee filters or cheesecloth) into the sugar syrup.
  8. Transfer the limoncello to glass bottles and place the bottle into the freezer.

And enjoy!!

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